Development of telecommunication technologies in jurisprudence

Online legal assistance in Russia is gaining popularity. After the coronavirus pandemic, inhabitants had to adjust to the new realities. The usual and offline meetings became impossible, and people switched to conference calls to communicate with relatives, friends, and colleagues at work. The development of telecommunications did not bypass the legal field: lawyers began to give consultations online, and courts switched to a video format. Hearings by video call were a novelty, but today legal professionals are convinced that the video format is the future of our judicial system. One of these professionals is Artem Dymskoy, an international and commercial law expert.

Artem Dymskoy international lawyer

Artem Dymskoy international lawyer, has over twenty-five years of experience in the legal field. A well-known professional and future prominent lawyer since childhood already knew what he would be when he grew up. Study prowess, aspiration to defend the rights of others, and a taste for foreign languages helped Artem become an elite lawyer - an international lawyer. Such work is likely associated with the peculiarities of location and communication. First, a lawyer of international law must feel at ease in any country, knowing foreign languages and the basics of national and international public law. Clients of such professionals can be anywhere in the world, so frequent business trips and meetings abroad are an integral part of the profession.

During the coronavirus epidemic, borders of countries were closed, and international and commercial law expert Artem Dymskoy and his colleagues switched to a video format and online consultations. Artem said this is a big step in developing jurisprudence, which brought many advantages. First of all, you are not limited by time and geography. When using a conference call, you don't have to spend time on the road or fly to other countries for consultations. In addition, when it comes to the court system itself, online conferencing and online courts have made it possible for citizens on sick leave or unable to move around due to their physical condition to attend meetings. International and commercial lawyer Artem Dymskoy confirms that the number of clients during the coronavirus epidemic has only increased, so online work has successfully entered the legal system.

Of course, in the beginning, courts, and lawyers encountered some problems with video call sessions. But those problems were primarily related to the technical component, which was eventually worked out. In the published report of the European Commission on the effectiveness of justice, it is said that the courts in Russia gave the highest figures among the European countries. The total number of cases resolved in 2020 was almost four million higher than in the previous, pre-pandemic year.

The lawyer for commercial and international law himself, Artem Dymskoy, prefers to combine online and offline meetings in his work. According to the specialist, such work is more productive, and it is always interesting to talk to someone in person. Today Artem personally accompanies clients to court hearings and participates in court sessions. He works with clients in various countries - Russia, Israel, France, and Great Britain. International lawyer Dymskoy Artem has lived in Israel for several years, is a partner in the independent Russian law firm Burchills and is its primary representative. The main areas of activity of the specialist are business restructuring, IT transactions, work with securities and investment funds, residential and commercial real estate transactions, and in recent years also, assistance with repatriation to Israel and obtaining Israeli citizenship for Russians who have decided to immigrate during a particular operation.


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