International Lawyer - The Eternal Student And In Demand Professional Of The Twenty-First Century

Over the past few years, requests for international lawyers have increased several times. Due to the world's difficult political and economic situation, many citizens have decided to change their habitual residence, many have had problems with businesses and foreign assets, and someone has decided to radically change their life, selling all their property and immigrating to another country. All such issues related to the protection of the rights and interests of Russian citizens outside the Russian Federation are handled by international lawyers. One of these independent practitioners and a specialist in international and commercial law Artem Dymskoy, a partner at Burchill's law firm and representing the company in Israel.

сommercial lawyer Artem Dymskoy

You can say that international lawyer Artem Dymskoy is a "lawyer of the world." Due to his knowledge of several foreign languages - English, French, and Hebrew, and experience as a lawyer in Russia and abroad, Artem feels comfortable in any country. Artem started his career in Moscow when he interned at the Russian office of the London law firm Frere Cholmeley Bischoff and simultaneously studied at the Moscow State Law University, named after O.E. Kutafin. After graduation, he practiced in London, returned to Moscow, and joined the Moscow City Bar. Artem Dymskoy has experience in commercial and international law, working with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, advising in the field of the legal protection of the rights of citizens abroad, advising large Russian and foreign companies, and working with VIP-persons and famous people.

According to Artem Dymskoy, an international lawyer, people are becoming more legally literate lately. More and more people apply to lawyers yearly; people have learned to fight for their rights and want to defend their interests, so a lawyer's work is in demand more than ever. But to protect the rights of citizens, first of all, the initiative is needed from the citizens themselves - an appeal to public organizations, the media, the help of professional lawyers, and the desire to protect themselves and their property. In Russia, as in many foreign countries, there are cases of violation of the rights of citizens - crime, negligence, and abuse of power. In such situations, acting within the legal framework and cooperating with professional experts is necessary. Moreover, obtaining legal assistance is becoming more convenient thanks to the development of online consultations launched during the coronavirus epidemic.

Artem Dymskoy, an international and commercial law expert, believes that a lawyer is a perpetual learner. Only when you learn new things and improve your skills do you remain at a high level and can take on any case. So faced with the problems of face-to-face consultations during the covid-19 pandemic, law offices began not only consulting via various messengers but also participating in court hearings via videoconference. According to international and commercial lawyer Artem Dymskoy, the practice of online work has successfully entered our lives and is popular today, although initially, the introduction of telecommunications technology was difficult. Firstly, online work saves time for the client; secondly, video communication is a way of communication if the client is ill and cannot physically be present at the consultation or in court; and thirdly, if earlier one had to constantly travel abroad, today an international law specialist can provide consultation from any corner of the earth. Working remotely allows lawyers to handle more cases and help more clients. Commercial and international lawyer Artem Dymskoy himself prefers to combine face-to-face communication and high technology in his work, which is more efficient work that the specialist's clients appreciate both in Russia and abroad.


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